Export function and type for file compression
6.4 Export Function for file compression
6.4 Export Function for file compression
In order to compress a file, the following function pointer must be retrieved from the LZNV DLL and later on executed with the LZNV_FILE_COMMAND_PARAMS structure.
#ifdef _WIN64
#define LZNV_DLL_MAIN_FILE_ "LZNV_Main_File_Compress"
#define LZNV_DLL_MAIN_BUFFER_ "LZNV_Main_Buffer_Compress"
* Definitions of LZNV_Main File Compression function prototype
* @param _encode_param_struct The LZNV_FILE_COMMAND_PARAMS structure which define the parameters for LZNV command
typedef int32_t(__stdcall* PF_LZNV_DLL_MAIN_FILE)(LZNV_FILE_COMMAND_PARAMS& _command_param_struct);