ReadMe file
SecureUPDATE - The ReadMe File
SecureUPDATE ReadMe File Content
SecureUPDATE(R) v2.59 (64bit)
Product Name: SecureUPDATE(R)
Product Version:
Company URL:
Distribution Date : 08.02.2021 (8th of February 2021)
Single License Link :
TradeMark: SecureUPDATE, SecureDELTA, SecureSDK, SecureWIZARD, SecurePATCH and SecureINSTALLER are Registered TradeMarks of ZAXAO CORPORATION, TX, USA
SecureUPDATE(R) v2.59.127 Features:
Create encrypted binary difference files (secure update archives) from two versions of the same software, located in two different folders
Apply encrypted binary difference files on a new or same folder
Includes NXT Entropy Coder implementations of blazing fast data compression algorithms such as ANS(Asymmetric Numeral System), Ari(Arithmetic), Static Huffman, RLE8, 32 and 64 (C) NetLUP Xtreme Technology's XtremeZIP Data Compression Division
New Specialized Solid-GZIP algorithm
Use 440bit BlowFish encryption
Create/Save/SaveAs/Load Project files
StartUP Wizard to Create New SecureDELTA Plus Projects
Sign SecureUPDATE archive
Encrypt SecureUPDATE(TM) Files (BlowFish 448bit Encryption)
Create Signing keys (private and public key files)
Review SecureUPDATE(TM) files within the SecureDELTA GUI
Create full operation logs
Backup SecureUPDATE-ed files
Use a metadata file (create your own indexed xml, attached to SecureUPDATE archive header)
Process zero sized files and empty folders
Rollback support
Delete out-of-use (old or unused legacy) files
Implements CRC32-C and also Adler32 checksum
Allows encoding options to be overridden before decoding
Deploy SecureUPDATE(R) files using SecureWIZARD Installer (self-extracting SecureINSTALLER(TM))
External tools to compress, decompress, list and test solid archives, featuring superior compression compared to any ZIP-based solution
XtremeZIP is (C) NetLUP Xtreme Technologies srl.
SecureUPDATE(R) v2.59.127 Compatibility:
SecureUPDATE Application builds secure update archives fully compatible with SecureDELTA Plus (Folders)
Automate SecureUPDATE encoding and decoding of files using the command line tools included with SecureDELTA Plus (Folders).
SecureINSTALLER (SecureSFX) type:
- SecureWIZARD Self-Extracting Installer
External FREE Tools:
- XtremeZIP archiver (64bit)
More features improved including:
- Improved main application and also SecureWizard GUI, UX and User Options
- SecureSFX is available in one variant: SecureWIZARD
- Improved SecureDELTA UI & UX (developed by .Xtreme.UI. division of NetLUP Xtreme Technologies)
- Improved integration of XtremeDELTA Engine (developed and produced by XtremeDELTA division of NetLUP Xtreme Technologies)
- SecureSFX logging and error reporting
- SecureUPDATE(R) Engine is now at version 2.59.127c.4107
You may now safely distribute your SecureUPDATE(R) files by sharing your public key with your target audience!
What is SecureUPDATE(R) v2.59.127
SecureUPDATE is FREE software for Non-Commercial Purposes. In order to use it commercially, a license is acquired.
SecureUPDATE v2.59 creates binary diff files from two distinct folders, called source and target folders.
The two folder contain an older and a newer version of the same software application.
SecureUPDATE also creates self extracting installers or patch files, that you may freely distribute with no royalties to your clients.
Once launched on a target (remote) machine, the installer will patch the source (old) folder and convert it into an exact replica of the target (new) folder.
You may also apply the secure software update to a completely new folder, and keep the old folder as a backup.
SecureUPDATE is a complex application that combines the creation of binary difference files with the deployment of self-extracting installers, called SecureINSTALLERs.
Please Note: SecureUPDATE only ships with a SecureWIZARD type installer.
SecureUPDATE offers superior performance compared to the next leading competitors, when it comes to memory usage, processor time needed to create the binary diff file and diff file sizes.
SecureUPDATE archives are compatible with SecureDELTA Plus (Folders) which allows automation when creating and applying the secure binary diff file on the initial (source) folder or on a new folder.
Some of the benefits of Licensing our technology:
We hope you find SecureUPDATE useful. Purchasing a license from us or from our partners will entitle you to a full year of customer support. Most of the competition offers a limited 6 month support.
Here are some of the benefits of Licensing our technology:
- Licensed customers of SecureUPDATE(R) may freely distribute any SecureWIZARD patch files created by SecureUPDATE(R) application.
- Free customer and technical support, free updates for any SecureUPDATE application for 1 year come standard with any license.
- Support license could also be extended for an affordable fee.
ZAXAO CORPORATION technology partnerships
Recently, ZAXAO CORPORATION has entered a strategic partnership with NetLUP(R) Xtreme Technologies. NetLUP(R) R & D division created the XtremeDELTA(R) powerful engine which empowers SecureUPDATE(R) achieves performance superior to any other binary diff engine we have been tested.
As a result of this partnership, further releases of SecureUPDATE(R) include a highly optimized data compression solution developed by XtremeZIP(R) division of our strategic technology partners.
This combines the benefits of SecureUPDATE(R) data compression optimizations with a highly sophisticated data compression method, giving you, our client, best performance when it comes to delta updates and incremental data compression.
SecureUPDATE(R) Installation Package Content
SecureUPDATE(R) for Windows v2.59.127 Installation Package files list:
1. License_SecureUPDATE_v2.59_x64.txt - the license file
2. Readme_SecureUPDATE_v2.59_x64.txt - this readme file.
3. SecureUPDATE_v2.59_x64.chm - windows chm help file
4. SecureUPDATE_v2.59_x64.exe - the main SecureUPDATE app
5. SecureUPDATE_Decoder_x64.dll - SecureDECODE(R) Engine DLL (x64)
7. SecureUPDATE_Encoder_x64.dll - SecureENCODE(R) Engine DLL (x64)
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Thank you for using our SecureUPDATE(R) for Windows, part of SecureUPDATE(R) Suite of Products!
We value your feedback. Please let us know if you have any questions at